Nam falls to Moraes at WSOF 2

Marlon Moraes vs. Tyson Nam
Round 1
Moraes takes the center of the cage and strikes first with a left hook and a right leg kick outside. He sticks a pair of punches in Nam’s face before chopping with the leg kick again. Nam probes with a jab and flinches as Moraes feints a leg kick. Moraes scores with a hook to the body, then a left hook in the pocket. Nam bites again as Moraes fakes another leg kick. Moraes comes in to clinch and Nam hits the floor without being taken down, then quickly pops back up. A right high kick from Moraes grazes Nam’s head, and the Hawaiian falls to the base of the cage, looking dazed.

Moraes is all over him, landing a couple hard punches before ref Keith Peterson can jump in to save Nam. Marlon Moraes gets the knockout at 2:55 of the first round.